If one were to name two things which has over the years captivated the interests of we Indians it would be ...................Bollywood and Cricket....
IPL with the new twenty-20 format tournament running currently has managed to capture both these interests, the presence of huge number of Bollywood actors in the Stadium is adding to the glamor of cricket. The following for the tournament is seen to be believed. On the inaugural day I was unfortunate enough to be stuck near the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore. Any doubts that the skeptics had about the success of the tournament would have been silenced in the traffic jam....
There are many things which are in favor of the tournament including the shorter format of the game, which makes it more exciting. The timing of the matches, from 7-11 pm, is also a added plus as it is the prime TV watching time at home. But questions were raised on whether the format of having cities compete against one another make sense to Indian viewers, and the ads shown initially did not help much either...... But then as one of my friend said " In India even if Galli Cricket is shown live , people would watch it", and he was proven right, seeing the crowds in the stadiums and the TV ratings of matches...
The question of how does one decide which of these new events would actually be succeed and how much to invest in purchasing air-time , sponsorship ...if it succeeds then even before you react the prices are hiked. Seeing the success of the tournament Sony Max has hiked the rates of 10 sec ad slots from 2.5 - 3-4 lakhs, Link.
I think predicting the success of new events be it IPL or KBC or the new show panchvi pass... would always remain more of an art...
The issue of how the franchises would make money is one which would be answered as the tournament progresses, link
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