88 lakhs and 81 lakhs is the number of new mobile users we have added in the Dec and Jan. If one were to estimate the time taken for it would take to cover the whole population of US would be three years, which in a way explains why Indian market is so attractive today. The drivers have been call rates which are among the lowest in the country and the fall in prices of handsets.
This post is not about the number of mobile users, but it is on the organized retail which is coming in a big way into Mobile Retail. Across cities which I have been traveling I have seen at least 10-12 new ventures into mobile retail. The established retailers like Big Bazzar and Subhiksha are extending their extending there exiting forays from normal retail into the mobile domain. The more interesting are the new ones like Mobile Hot Spot, C-to-C, and the RPG group’s ventures. The existing older traditional shops are also trying to make an impact and cash-in on the boom, but with their regional presence they would find it difficult to compete...Like Sangeetha in
The multi-service outlets by the companies would offer end customers not just mobile handsets but also mobile accessories, new connections, value added services, after sales support and electronic products such as digital cameras, iPods and other gaming devices.
Thus we are seeing the entry of organized retail into another segment wherein earlier we had to either deal with the company showrooms or the unorganized market. Another addition to the increasing diversity of Indian Retail Landscape.