There are different ways in which IMC- Integrated Marketing Communications is interpreted, more traditional way of looking at it is to ensure that you send a consistent and uniform message across the various means of communication, be it print, TV, Internet, and FM and integrate this with the variety of communication disciplines like general ads, dierct response, sales promo and PR.
If one were to follow this definition of IMC one company which has been good at achieving this sort integration is the car major Maruti Suzuki. Whenever they launch a new car one can see how they are able to hit the consumer consistently across all media and modes of communic

It all started with the extensive coverage the launch got on the various channels running
And there would be a TV Ad campaign and the press campaign for the total impact of the launch. What I have been impressed with is the consistency with which they have been doing with all there new launches....from getting good coverage in magazines and TV channels, and then being there in the right place on the internet so that they are able to reach the customer at every point of contact, even if one were to visit the website and click on cars the default page is the dezire page which i thought was a clever way of telling consumers about the new offering....
The exclusiev website for the brand is up and running , link