Competititors reacting to each other's ad seems to be a futile exercise, because the focus of these ads is not the consumer, but a competitor and all you are trying do is to counter whatever was said in the earlier ad . A waste of resources and energy , which does not help in anyway the decision making process of buying a car.
Infact buying a car in India, especially at the entry level tends to be more involved and long drawn decision than in the developed context. For many of us it still means a substantial investment and the information we seek is much higher. Does this sort of mud-slinging contest of ads help in anyway the consumer wanting to buy a car? It may help massage the ego of a few in the companies but ....
This sort of reactive and comparative ads is not something which is new, Pepsi Vs Coke, Colgate Vs Pepsodent or the more recent Horlicks Vs Complan, and even for Hyundai and Maruti this is not new....